We Need It All: Products, Policies, and Protests To Solve Climate Change (#12)

Nov 13, 2019

“There are three areas of action available to all of us to move the needle on climate change.” – Josh Dorfman

With climate skeptics that don’t believe in global warming still refusing to accept climate science, it can feel like it is impossible to solve the climate issues in front of us. You may be wondering how you can play a role and participate in reducing your impact on the environment and solve the climate change dilemma. If you are concerned about what you can do today, you may be surprised to know that you can make more of an impact than you thought possible.

In today’s episode, I discuss how products, policies, and protests are the three key areas we need to solve climate change. I discuss why we need to shop sustainably, press our politicians to change laws, and take it to the streets to make positive change happen. I share some of the innovative products that reduce our environmental impact and reveal the magic number of protestors we need on our streets to ensure laws and policies change quickly.

This week on The Last Environmentalist Podcast:

  • How to shop sustainably and reverse global warming
  • How to spend your dollars when you think about transportation and getting around
  • The benefits of electric cars and why they are fun to drive
  • Why we need to press our politicians to change climate change laws
  • How to find and contact your politicians
  • The power of non-violent mass civil protests

Resources Mentioned:

This episode is sponsored by Simbly Furniture

Simbly Furniture is the maker of modern, environmentally responsible, American-made furniture. Simply’s sleek tables, benches, and desks are made of FSC-certified sustainable wood and shipped directly to customers from the Simbly factory in Asheville, NC.

To learn more about the beautiful, environmentally friendly contemporary furniture at Simbly or to place your order, visit Simbly.com.

    Impacting the Environment, One Story at a Time

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