The Faceless Enemies of Climate Action (#7)

Oct 16, 2019

“This is not a moment to sit back and say: ‘Well, someone else is going to do something about it.’” – Josh Dorfman

What moves people from feeling indifferent about a cause or movement to taking big, bold action for change? Over the last year in my role as the CEO of the non-profit organization The Collider, I’ve had the opportunity to explore and gain insight into what motivates people to move from indifference to taking massive, positive action to improve the environment and impact global warming.

In today’s episode, I discuss the “faceless enemies” of climate action and share my insight on what we can do to motivate more people to begin taking action that will improve the environment. I discuss the three ‘villains’ of climate action and how global warming is impacting a variety of businesses across the country. I explain why I believe many businesses are not taking enough action to effect positive change in our environment and how contacting our local politicians can help increase climate change awareness and inspire massive action.

This week on The Last Environmentalist Podcast:

  • The top three ‘villains’ of climate action
  • How global warming and the climate change crisis are impacting businesses in various consumer-driven industries
  • Why I believe many businesses are unaware of how global warming is impacting their organization
  • The unusual industry-related ‘rules of engagement’ that are preventing significant positive gains in climate change acceptance and action
  • How getting local politicians involved can help increase awareness and inspire climate action

Impacting the Environment, One Story at a Time

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